Frequently Asked Questions About TTC
What should I expect? DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS,
TTC is a bridge to your future academic journey in college. It is a comprehensive program for adults who have earned a high school diploma or high school equivalency but need focused academic instruction in reading, writing, or math fundamentals, and basic computer skills.
TTC also emphases college study and survival skills—all necessary skills for a successful college career. It is a natural segue for GED, NEDP, and Advanced ESL students prior to entering post-secondary education.
On the first day of class, you will meet students just like you whose goal is to go to college. Many students speak English as their second language. Everyone quickly becomes part of a very supportive learning community all working toward the same goal –a college education!
Currently, our classes are via ZOOM. You will receive support to enroll in Google Education programs (Google Classroom) and other technical support to get you ONBOARD.
How do I enroll?
The first step is to attend a TTC Information Session to learn about everything the program offers.
Then, you will take an academic skills assessment (CASAS reading and math test), complete a writing sample)
Finally, you will have a personal interview to determine if TTC is the right program for you. If accepted, you will receive a official acceptance letter.
SIGN UP FOR AN INFORMATION SESSION online; you will receive a text message or phone call to confirm your inquiry.
See the GREEN APPLY Button on this webpage or click below:
Click here to sign up online for info session.
What should I bring to class?
Bring a clear open mind that is ready to work hard to build skills for college readiness.
Be prepared for class: pencil and/or pen, binder, textbooks.
For ZOOM classes, be sure to have a quiet place to log on with no distractions.
Program calendar. On the first day of class, you will receive a calendar that maps out the entire semester.
Where is TTC located?
TTC is located in downtown Woonsocket, RI, on the 3rd floor of 191 Social Street.
TTC is a division of Rhode Island Regional Adult Learning (RIRAL), which is located in the Cornerstone Building, just across from Dunkin Donuts.
TTC is easy to reach via the RIPTA Bus (Route 54).
How much does the program cost?
TTC is a free program funded by the Rhode Island Department of Adult Education.
However, there are testing and textbook fees that apply, which are non-refundable.
Initial Assessment fee for the CASAS test: $25
Accuplacer test fee: $40
Textbooks and materials: $150
How do I apply for Financial Aid FOR COLLEGE?
This is a very important question. College tuition is not free, and most students apply for a Federal Pell Grant.
We will guide you though the entire process with the help of the RI Educational Opportunity Center.
If you are not eligible for financial aid, the Community College offers a Tuition Management Plan, where you can pay off your tuition in installments during the semester.
What if there is inclement weather?
Check TTC website and Facebook pages for any change in calendar.
Can I attend only part of TTC?
Once you enroll in the program, you are expected to attend ALL CLASSES. TTC is an intensive program to prepare you, and you must be able to give the time required in class and in-home to do your homework.
One of the benefits of TTC is its comprehensive approach and intensive curriculum designed to prepare you for college. Any deviation from this class policy should be discussed with the Program Director.
Good attendance is a must! If you miss a class, you miss valuable information! You must contact the instructor and make up any work missed.
Due to the recent Coronavirus, we have switched to virtual classes. Extra help will be available via 1:1 ZOOM plus Office Hours, as needed.
Does TTC have a Facebook page?
Yes. So glad you asked! Please visit and Like Us at:
Still have more questions?
We'd love to help answer any questions you may have. Please review the TTC website to see if your questions can be answered here. If not, fill out the form here to contact us.