β€œThe talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do and doing it well.”

Henry W. Longfellow


TTC College Prep Model

The goal of the college prep design is to enable students to transition successfully into college-level courses, or at the very least, to begin their college career at the upper tier of developmental education.

Key Features of the College Prep Model

(1)   Direct instruction to address gaps between the students' knowledge level and the required academic levels necessary to be successful in college;

(2)   A learning environment that includes college success skills by simulating a college

(3)   A comprehensive counseling component;

(4)   Student cohorts or learning communities.  www.collegetransition.org 

The TTC program includes student success classes, career exploration, academic classes in reading, writing, and math; case management to further support student success with the goal of enabling students to transition successfully into college and or training.

At the onset of TTC, students create a community of learners-- a cohort of students who come together with the common goal of preparing for college and/or training. Students are oriented to the skills and expectations required for academic success in higher education. Students quickly become friends and colleagues, as they support and encourage one another on their journey.